Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our First Christmas in North Carolina

I've only been in NC for 3 weeks.....

Things have been going well, and the weather is unreal it didnt feel like December at all, it felt more like May in NH. Well days went by fast and before I knew it it was Christmas Eve.
I am so grateful that I was able to make it NC before Christmas and spend it with my family. The only thing missing was my number one man, Jason but he sent me flowers...He's so good!

(Thank you babe, they are beautiful)

We spent Christmas Eve with my Sister and her husband Michael and had a ball.

My sisters and I had fun posing for pictures as Santa's little helpers. As you can see from the other picture the lip puckering runs in the family.......

Cortney thought it would be fun to do a theme stocking for me and got me all pink and Princess parafanalia and so I was Princess for the evening. Complete with my sword and sash hehehehe.....Michael and Cortney decided to help me practice the royal wave.

Not many people know about My sister's and mine famous peanut butter Jelly dance we do. We've done it at most family gatherings and this was no different even Abby got into the swing of things and actually ( not joke) bit my ass....

Christmas Morning was spent at my Parents house and Cortney and I wore our new Christmas jammies that Teresa and Michael got us.

Cali was running around like a nut playing in all the paper and boxes but she eventually got tired and fell asleep in my new laundry basket.

It was so gorgeous outside that we all decided to sit out on the porch and lay in the sun.
It was 65 degrees outside can you believe it!!!!!

Oh yeah forgot to tell you the week before it was 70 outside and I wore flip flops and a tank top ( was Dec. 19)

Well thats all the news I have for now......
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Miss you All!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Trip to the South.....

Well I finally made it down south.....My Mom, Cali and I all made it safely down here to the lovely state of North Carolina. And just in time to miss the ugly ice storm that hit a week ago hehehehehe (Sorry guys). Things have been slow and weird its going to be 70 degrees tomorrow and its December 16 that just doesn't happen back where I'm from.

Cali is loving her new home and made herself quite comfy in our new bedroom and bathroom. She still likes to get up with me every morning and get in the shower with me ( I know the weirdest cat you've ever met right?)

We wasted no time when we got home, my Dad got home that Friday and we went to get our last real Christmas tree. It's so weird down here they don't grow Frasier fur trees because the humidity in the summer kills them instantly so the grow them in the mountains and ship them down the the cities, pretty cool huh!

My Mom and I decorated the tree during the week, wow did it sure come out perrrty hehehehe

The last bit of news is my mom got herself a new puppy, he's a west highland terrier and his name is Boston. I think my parents named him that as a ode to New England where we were all raised, he's definitely adorable and a huge cuddler. I think I'm going to like him.

I definitely am enjoying the weather down here but a part of me will always miss New England. I miss the familiarity of it and having my extended family so close by and knowing where the hell I am going lol. So hard to learn directions now, when I have no idea where I am (hehehehehe). Thank god my Mom and Beepa bought a Garmin she knows everything because she's a GPS navigator. I finally got a job interview after being in the state for only 4 days and will start probably some time after Christmas lots of trainings to do.

Excited to start a new chapter of my life and I can't wait for my favorite man to join me when he can....( I love you huny, miss you like crazy).